conversation between tourist and guide in french

Travel around the world: the ultimate guide to plan your big trip! Easy: sont means are while est means is. (The teacher will work on the weekend? Que font ton frre et ta sur ? Use this phrase to explain to your new friends where youre staying, as well as how long youre staying. GRARD: Voici mon appartement. Or Bonsoir if it's the evening. Real human conversations usually dont follow predictable rules either! Rentrez-bien ! ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Le salaire est de 200 euros par semaine. (Go down the alley to the left of the post office. ), TOI(YOU): Je viens des tats-Unis. ), COMMERANT: Continuez tout droit sur 300 mtres jusquau pont. ), BANQUIER: Oui. ), Combien a cote ? (Are you both ready to order? Just remember not to fall back to English when the going gets tough. (That is a relief. Tourist Oh hi wira.Is it your name?because my friend told me like that. Non, mais il y a un lave-linge pour mes vtements. Je cherche lglise Sainte-Agathe. ), VOUS: Quand est le petit djeuner ? This is also the polite way to ask someone to get out of your way. ), VOUS: Connaissez-vous le chemin ? In the Tourist Information office you can ask about the opening hours (or opening times) for parks, museums and galleries, etc. Feel free to customize the conversation. Click here to get a copy. (Vous is also what you should use when addressing a group of people in any situation, similar to saying you guys or you all in English). Je nentends pas de fluide dans les poumons. a cote 7 euros, mais je vous la donne gratuitement. France isn't the cheapest of countries so whether you're at the guichet or elsewhere, it doesn't hurt to be price-conscious. Here are some bonus French sayings and slang to level up your French: Can you think of any other useful French phrases for tourists? The serveur (server, waiter) approaches and is ready to take your orders. J'ai une photo d'elle quelque part. I will take your temperature and listen to your lungs with the stethoscope. (Yes, I brought it with me. Youll raise some impressed eyebrows if you bust out this fancy French nice to meet ya.. Je mappelle Lisa. Quest-ce qui ne va pas ? If you want even more great French dialogue scripts, the internet provides many opportunities for further study. Note that in France, the 24-hour clock is often used, especially in a formal situation. Do you live with another person? Cest une petite fivre. Que font ton frre et ta sur ? Replace beau with froid (cold), chaud (hot), or moche (bad) accordingly, using trs (very) to . Bien. a y est ! Try going through it slowly to work on pronunciation, then say it again at a conversational speed so the words flow more naturally off your tongue. The French take manners very seriously, and if youre meeting someone for the first time, or talking to a stranger, its important that you address them in the right way. There are also flashcards and quizzes to make sure you remember all the words youve learned. The French word for to love is adorer but you generally only use this word when talking about things rather than people, for example to say that you love a place, book, or song. TIC : Are you tourist ? (The menu, please. So s'il vous plat and s'il te plat both mean please (literally, if it pleases you), but s'il vous plait is the more polite version. So when you're ready to leave, say laddition, sil vous plat the bill, please. Fire! This phrase is extremely common when in France you'll likely hear it several times per day. After youve made your initial introductions, its likely that a person with whom youre speaking will ask about the time youre spending in France. Do you have references? (Excuse me, sir. As you may have guessed from the title, this video includes 239 dialogues in French. Oui. Nous sommes arrivs/arrives(We arrived) VOUS: Bonjour, madame. It is also a recognized soft power asset abroad, and France has been the world's leading tourist destination for years. That is it! Here's an example of o se trouve combined with another handy phrase to know: la station de mtro la plus proche means the closest metro station. Jtais tuteur danglais aux tats-Unis. Its required? (Hello, madame. I have a fever, a headache and chills. (And after the post office? (No, I live alone. But if a collision does occur, it's fine. You good?). I am half French, half Korean, but we live in Switzerland. ), TU: Cest combien le loyer ? Au revoir! quelle heure est-ce quil faut rgler la note? Non, je regarde pour linstant. Create a unique voice for every character. We would like a bottle of red wine. Please note, this customer is a lead, which means they have already shown an interest in the services offered by the travel company. There are also French phrases to know in case of emergency. What do you parents do? What are some French sayings? Use this phrase to let someone know when you got into town. Unfortunately, lifes not a movie. Lascenseur est gauche de la rception. Get 40% off + 10 languages + 14 day free trial. will ensure that you dont find yourself in any sticky payment situations down the line. Be aware that paying for items when abroad may not work the same way as at home. (Where are the taxis? To ask how much something costs, say c'est combien? how much is it? You can also say Combien a cote? literally, how much does it cost?, It's worth learning this phrase, because you might need it in a hurry! The job is from Monday to Friday. Another, more informal way to say how are you? is a va? Je suis enfant unique. Merci pour les renseignements. Looking for something? 2023 Enux Education Limited. In this case, try saying plus lentement more slowly. Avez-vous besoin du service de rveil automatique par tlphone ? ), MARIE: As-tu des frres et des surs ? If you DIALOGUES WRITING - BETWEEN TOURISTS AND GUIDES - English Study Material. Is there a dishwasher in the kitchen? A vegan is a vgtalien(ne), although vgan/vgane is sometimes used too. It means yes, but more specifically it contradicts the assertion in the question. Enfin, avez-vous quelque chose avec votre adresse, une facture par exemple? For French learners, the coveted native speed of speaking can seem unattainable, and while you can learn to understand it over time, it does take a little adjusting to. (Yes. Across France, especially in the summer months, its worth checking out closing times. WOMEN NOT THE WEAKER SEX - Mahatma Gandhi. This is a casual way to say goodbye. You will find a post office there. Bonjour, madame. Here are some other romantic French phrases: Wondering what a famous French saying is that you could use in everyday life? For many attractions there is a car park nearby (but not always free parking ). This is the scenario. In our final scenario, youre not feeling well, so you decide to go chez le mdecin (to the doctors office). (Continue straight ahead 300 meters until the bridge. (Is the tip included?). Use dialogue tags sparingly. Thus, 2 p.m. becomes 14h00 or quatorze heures. Following is a sample conversation between a travel agent and a customer. UNIT II-PROSE LS-3Three Days to See" - Helen Kellar. ), VOUS: Oui. Do you have a visa, then? Je cherche lglise Sainte-Agathe. Est-ce que le poste est temps complet ou temps partiel ? (I am not well. Further, while there are transcripts in the video, there are no English translations or exercises. I would like to open an account. Je cherche is another handy French travel phrase, especially if youre traveling for the first time in a French city. (Why is it s'il te plait and not s'il tu plait? Voici la cl. Note that, unlike in English, names of languages are not written with a capital letter in French. ? ), VOUS: Ah, oui. Everyone loves a souvenir, and its likely that youll take your camera along with you to capture precious memories. But there are still ways to prepare. Better yet, say a full sentence: Pourriez-vous parler plus lentement, sil vous plat? Can you speak more slowly, please?. In this easy French conversation guide, you'll learn: How to introduce yourself How to ask about plans and much more Yes! Maybe the reason you didn't understand is because there was a specific word you didn't recognise. French kids enjoy 16 weeks of vacation (+ all the long weekends and official holidays) The French school vacation is divided as follows: France's Summer break: "les grandes vacances", July and August, so 8 weeks total. (Yes. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. (Youre welcome. ), TOI: Elle travaille dans une pharmacie. Jai oubli ! For the purpose of our scenario, lets say you see a sign in the window of a language school looking for an English teacher, and you think you may be suitable for the role. ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Bien sr. ), Excusez-moi monsieur/madame (Excuse me sir/maam), Parlez-vous anglais ? By the way, want to speak French with an easy 3 minute lesson? Mon pre est diplomate et ma mre est mdecin. En plat principal, je voudrais le poulet cordon bleu. Since toilettes is plural, you must use sont, not est where are the toilets?, rather than where is the toilets, which wouldnt make sense.). And of course, don't forget to say thank you! Youll often hear la facture used in Quebec instead of laddition however both are perfectly understandable to waitstaff. And he had appointment with tour guide her name is Febi. (Kisses!) TIC : How long have you been here ? Bonjour is a combination of the words bon (good) and jour (day). Do you have ID? ), VOUS: Pour commencer, je prendrai une salade verte. ), VOUS: Non, je nen ai pas. In this scenario, youve just been seated at your table with your new friend Marie, who you met at your hotel. A side note: the pronoun on, seen above, is an interesting one. Nice to meet you, Robert. (Yes, thank you. Je voudrais une chambre. plus/ plus tard ! (I have an American passport. This doesn't apply to everybody, but for those to whom it does apply, it's very important: informing the waiter about your dietary restrictions. Tchin tchin ! This is a more casual way of introducing yourself. Je les vends dans mon magasin. (Did you enjoy your meals? When is breakfast? -Oh, elle doit avoir ou dix-huit ans, je suppose.-Et son anglais ? Traversez le pont et puis tournez droite. Let's begin! ), VOUS: Je resterai trois nuits. (Yes. Many hotels can be booked online these days, but its still fairly common to find hotels with availabilityand even better pricesby seeking them out in a city or town and booking them on the spot. Il y a une cuisine, un petit salon, une salle de bain et deux chambres. This means that you just place the noun of the job after the form of the verb tre (to be), like in ma sur est avocate. In the evening, you could also say bonsoir (good evening). French dialogues also put grammatical constructions in context, teach new and topical vocabulary and let us see conversational conventions in controlled settings. WhyUse Dialogue Examples to Study French? Jai une fivre, un mal de tte et des frissons. For more options, youll want to explore Lonely Planetto see whats available. (To start, I will have a green salad. But you can also ask for a menu, which is usually called a fixed-price menu in English. French dialogues are an excellent tool to improve your French skills or even learn French from scratch. Click here to get a copy. b - Order with "je voudrais.". Or how do you say cool in French slang? (I study history because I want to be a high school history teacher. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you It's a grammatical thing that you don't need to worry about as a beginner. la vtre ! Dont let that stop you from reading the lines aloud and getting into character, if youre so inclined! (And for you, madame? (We will have a chocolate souffl to share.). Here are some French phrases for travelers to build off ofo est.. If in doubt, use s'il vous plat. works for casual one-on-one scenarios. Its important to note that in France, a carte de crdit (credit card)is actually a debit card. At their most basic, French dialogues demonstratehow the language is used inspecific, common and realistic situations. A record 90 million international tourists visited France in 2019, including its overseas communities. If youre at a venue late, ask this question to one of the staff. ), BANQUIER (BANKER): Trs bien. So if you're not sure, ask someone comment a s'ecrit? How do you spell that? Literally: How does that write itself?, Or if you don't trust your own transcription abilities, try asking them to write it for you: say Est-ce que vous pouvez l'crire? Can you write it (down)?, Struggling to find your way around? Note the use of the polite vous rather than the informal tu. If youre traveling in France, youll probably be doing some shopping while youre there! While most phrasebooks will contain the names of most foods and items that you would need to order, its worth remembering a few so that you dont get stuck in a sticky situation! The other person will tell you if they want you to say tu to them instead! Youre sure to exude a certainje nesaisquoi(I dont know what) as well as an ease with pronouns. ), On prend des shooters ! Est-ce quil y a une baignoire dans la salle de bain ? You and the cashier dont know each other personally. Furthermore, some conversations are more technical or advanced than others. Le professeur travaillera chaque matin de 9h 11h30. (Pleased to meet you.) (Why is it o sont, when previously we used o est? Dimensions of Creativity - Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. Article list: All the articles written by Benny and other polyglots. You can do the same with the interactive subtitles at any point during the video, and pull up a contextual definition, example sentences and even other videos where the word is used. (Is there a bathtub in the bathroom? I would like a room. Combien de nuits resterez-vous ? French avoids this confusion with the word si. Bonne journe ! And of course, your French phrasebooks or regional travel guides can offer you insight into customs, culture, etiquette and holidays. (I am glad/delighted to meet you.) Jtudie lhistoire parce que je veux tre professeur dhistoire au lyce. (No, I dont have one. Ha! Si is one of many linguistic features that I sorely miss when I speak English. ), Jai envie de faire la fte ! Keep in mind that most French doctors and hospitals measure temperature in Celsius as opposed to Fahrenheit. Je suis rpu/repue. (I study music. You can also just say sant ! Because youre roughly the same age, you employ the informal tu (you). (She works at a pharmacy.). Guide: Yes mam, I'm your tour guide. Not to worry. And if youre ready to learn more French, check out the 111 core French words that are commonly used. While many people travel to the country for vacation, this isnt always the case, so informing the other person of your reasons for traveling can help fuel the conversation you have. ), VOUS: Merci pour les renseignements. ), TU: Est-ce quil y a une baignoire dans la salle de bain ? Its super to not go to the laundromat. Oh, je pense que non. If youre in a smaller town in France especially, its always worth checking with hotels or shop owners if they accept foreign modes of transaction. However, it can be intimidating approaching a nativeletting them know that youre not fluent will really put your mind to rest! (No, but I have a stuffy nose. Pardon? is also how you'd ask someone to repeat themselves if you didn't hear or understand what they said. What do your brother and sister do? S'il vous plat and merci (please and thank you) are necessities, and if you're looking for niceties as conversation starters you can always fall back on the weather. Je suis moiti franaise, moiti corenne mais nous habitons en Suisse. (It costs 7 euros, but I will give it to you for free.). I'm your tour guide. At the . la tienne ! Non ! Est-ce que tu vis avec une autre personne ? When meeting anyone, one of the first things you'll want to know is their name. Jaime regarder le foot. Although Ive just given you lots of helpful, common French travel phrases, its always good to be ready for any eventuality, and a phrasebook will act as a great backup. (My name is Lisa. a va ? These phrases will help you out when meeting locals and trying to make French-speaking friends. In order to get the most out of the trip, its a great idea for tourists and travelers to learn some basic French phrases and words ahead of time. These days you normally use you when you're talking about people in general. There are French phrasebooks for every corner of the French-speaking world, and some have additional features like accompanying audio files, travel guides or apps. (Is there an after party? If you don't understand something, persevere in French anyway it's the only way you'll learn. Having essential French travel phrases on hand can totally transform your trip. Jaime regarder le foot. Just get a stranger's attention (remember what phrase would you use to do this?) (Well take the bottle. Oui. If you learn a new French word using the phrase above, you might want to write it down before you forget it. And you? As usual, address the person in the most polite way you can and thank them for their help. 2. If possible, act out the scenario with a partner, whether thats someone who speaks French or is a learner like you. (Good! By the end, you will know 15 French conversations and have plenty of French conversation topics. I speak at a normal speed first and then repeat more slowly so that you can rep. (health!). For people you know, you can say tu (you) when talking to them. Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time globe trotter and international bestselling author. French conversation scripts such as these can give you key words that are likely to come up in an actual conversation, as well as familiarize you with conversational flow. (My brother still goes to high school and my sister is a lawyer. Im looking for the Saint Agatha Church. The situations of these dialogues span job interviews, a courtroom proceeding and broadcast journalism. (See you/See you later!). How do you expect to communicate with anybody if the only thing you've learned so far is a verb table? Siska : Okay let's go to the bus . Traversez le pont et puis tournez droite. (My dad is also a doctor. You can further your studies by taking the quizzes that follow each video. Download: / Whats up? ), TOI: Je joue du violon. (Of course. (The wine menu, please. If youre learning French, chances are youll want to practice your language skills when you go out there. Bien sr. Podcast Franais Facile (Easy French Podcast) has almost 100 dialogue examples sorted by situation. To get someone's attention, whether they're a waiter in a restaurant or a stranger on the street, say excusez-moi, excuse me. VOUS: Bonjour. Bonne journe ! While there are no comprehension activities, theres enough advanced French gold to make your newly acquired vocabulary shine! Hes invited you and some others from your conversation group over for dinner on the stipulation that its a French-only evening. After some pleasantries, Grard takes you on a tour of his apartment. Cette vido permet l'apprenant de dcouvrir le monde dutourisme, de renforcer et d'enrichir ses savoirs tout en dveloppant ses savoir tre et ses savoir-f. Oui. If you're on the receiving end of this question, answer with Je m'appelle (my name is, literally I call myself) or a simple Je suis (I am). You need to weigh them at the machine in the fruits and vegetable aisle. Nous habitons Chicago, mais mes grand-parents viennent dItalie. I would like to apply for this job. ), COMMERANT: Allez dans la ruelle gauche du bureau. Je vous vois demain. (Excellent. Nous restons (Were staying) You can also say s'il te plat. Febi : Hi Mr. Choi Siwon good morning. Whether its local French cooking, events or linguistic differences, it pays to research the place youre going and, if necessary, learn a few basic French phrases relating to whatever may be going on around you. Tourist: I have a question actually. ), VOUS: Nous allons prendre un souffl au chocolat partager. Therefore, you may not want to use all these dialogues in one shot. (Pleased to meet you. Sometimes, vocabulary isnt the problem. Generally, it's easier to figure out a word's pronunciation from its spelling than it is to know its spelling from its pronunciation. It is in the town square. While situations like these are incredible if youre a learner, they can also be very intimidating. Elle a ge? ), VOUS: Merci. Oui. Traveling to France is a thrilling and eye-opening experience. Is it your first time to this place ,right? Cest une petite fivre. Dont forget that much of the time, the weather in France is described using the verb faire. This is a handy little word that has no direct equivalent in English. Pujo : Of course. Je ne vais pas bien. Et toi ? Youll often be asked to put the words in order so that they form a complete thought, allowing you to review word order and see how individual words fit together. In touristy zones, natives are used to being asked to take photos, but if youre going to do it, its especially nice to be able to inquire in French. Voici la cl. I hope to play one day in an orchestra. Et je voudrais une chambre avec une salle de bain, sil vous plat.

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conversation between tourist and guide in french